What’s empathetic resonance?
The A to Z Guide to Narcissism
NEW addiction article: ‘Missed, misunderstood & misdiagnosed’, in the BACP's Therapy Today magazine
Navigating our way past disappointment - the path through processing
Podcast 14 - Karpman's Drama Triangle - navigating family and relational dramas (+ Hypno-CBT)
Personal boundaries - theoretical limits and rules we set ourselves
PODCAST – (11) – ‘holding patterns’, stimming, tics, and the train analogy of regulation...
Respecting neurology - helping autistic individuals, especially children, enjoy celebrations
Should we say no to the puzzle piece and Light It Up Blue campaigns? (Spectra.blog content)
Autistic social engagement challenges - a schema approach (Spectra.blog content)
PODCAST: (9) All about burnout! Recognising autonomic system burnout, and stopping it from occurring
FAQs about CBT, cognitive behavioural hypnotherapy and hypnosis
Can we use polyvagal theory to understand our nervous system?