NEW addiction article: ‘Missed, misunderstood & misdiagnosed’, in the BACP's Therapy Today magazine
What is anxiety; the nervous system; the physical experience, and how to beat stress
Introducing the Enneagram model: a personality system to help with self-growth and healing
What's in a (therapy) name? Arriving at a destination point on your current life journey...
Anxiety and neurodivergent folk – sensory sensitivities, unpredictability and social interactions
Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy and Dialectical Behaviour Therapy within therapeutic work
Podcast (10) What's anxiety - and simple tips to aid recovery and regulation
PODCAST: (9) All about burnout! Recognising autonomic system burnout, and stopping it from occurring
PODCAST (7) Anxiety through the holistic lens – it’s not just in your head! A nervous system view
Dealing with anxiety using cognitive behavioural hypnotherapy - take control of your anxiety
Here's a short self hypnosis to help us manage pain and discomfort.
PODCAST: (2) - Issues Hypno-CBT is ideal for: anxiety, neurodivergence, confidence, pain
What issues are Arrive Therapy's cognitive behavioural hypnotherapy ideal for?
How autistic people & their talking therapist / hypnotherapist can create a therapeutic relationship
14 minute focussed attention, anti-anxiety exercise / meditation